We never believe? Well today empirical evidence and scientific studies clearly demonstrate that the fried vegetables within Virgin Olive Oil are healthier than boiled.
The research, published in the journal Food Chemistry, it is the result of two major university centers, the University of Granada (Spain) and the Centro Universitario del Sur Jalisco (Mexico). The researchers said that the fry in Extra Virgin is able to improve the nutritional intake of vegetables by transferring the vegetables precious phenols present in.
The researchers studied the effect of different cooking methods on four vegetables: potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes and eggplant. After being washed and diced, scholars have cooked a fried of extra virgin olive oil, one part boiled and cooked with the remainder a mixture of water and oil. When the cooking process, it is passed to the analysis of the nutritional values of the three dishes, with particular attention to the antioxidant capacity of the post-cooking vegetables and the corresponding phenolic compounds content – well-known substances for the ability to prevent degenerative diseases such as cancer , diabetes and macular degeneration.
The result?
All cooking methods have increased the antioxidant capacity of vegetables, but only the fry increased significantly the number of plant phenols, which are in fact transferred from the oil to the vegetables.
“Use the oil as a means of heat transfer increases the amount of phenolic compounds present in plant, with respect to what occurs by using other cooking methods, such as boiling, where the heat transfer takes place through the water – explains Cristina Samaniego Sánchez, one of the study authors -. Therefore, we can say that frying is the method that produces the greatest increases in phenolic fraction, that is, determines an improvement through the cooking process.”
The indispensable condition for maintaining the validity of this discovery is that frying is done in oil EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, undoubtedly the healthiest oils available on the market.