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The healthier fried vegetables boiled ones

ricetta-frittura We never believe? Well today empirical evidence and scientific studies clearly demonstrate that the fried vegetables within Virgin Olive Oil are healthier than boiled.
The research, published in the journal Food Chemistry, it is the result of two major university centers, the University of Granada (Spain) and the Centro Universitario del Sur Jalisco (Mexico). The researchers said that the fry in Extra Virgin is able to improve the nutritional intake of vegetables by transferring the vegetables precious phenols present in.
The researchers studied the effect of different cooking methods on four vegetables: potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes and eggplant. After being washed and diced, scholars have cooked a fried of extra virgin olive oil, one part boiled and cooked with the remainder a mixture of water and oil. When the cooking process, it is passed to the analysis of the nutritional values of the three dishes, with particular attention to the antioxidant capacity of the post-cooking vegetables and the corresponding phenolic compounds content – well-known substances for the ability to prevent degenerative diseases such as cancer , diabetes and macular degeneration.
The result?
All cooking methods have increased the antioxidant capacity of vegetables, but only the fry increased significantly the number of plant phenols, which are in fact transferred from the oil to the vegetables.
“Use the oil as a means of heat transfer increases the amount of phenolic compounds present in plant, with respect to what occurs by using other cooking methods, such as boiling, where the heat transfer takes place through the water – explains Cristina Samaniego Sánchez, one of the study authors -. Therefore, we can say that frying is the method that produces the greatest increases in phenolic fraction, that is, determines an improvement through the cooking process.”
The indispensable condition for maintaining the validity of this discovery is that frying is done in oil EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, undoubtedly the healthiest oils available on the market.

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Back to the Mediterranean Diet, Extra Virgin Olive Oil boom

dieta-mediterranea-okTurn back to the table where the Mediterranean diet with an increase ranging from 4% in the fruit shop at 17% for those of olive oil but also it increases the cost for the fish (+ 5%), for fresh vegetables and dried pasta (+ 1%), in sharp contrast to the years of the crisis, where there had been a drastic fall. And ‘what emerges from the first budget of Coldiretti on the Italian food consumption in 2015 after seven years of decline back to rise slightly by 0.3% but with a strong orientation to prefer healthy foods to a greater awareness of the close relationship between nutrition and well-being, according to calculations based on the basis of ISMEA figures for the first nine months of 2015. This is – Coldiretti – a historic turnaround after years of progressive cuts that had led the consumption of basic products of the Mediterranean diet on values ​​to minimum historian. is the case of the fruit with the consumption per person that- detects Coldiretti – were down to more ‘than 130 pounds per year which is equivalent to no more’ of 360 grams compared to 400 grams per day recommended by the World Health Organization for ella good health.

In 2015, however, explains Coldiretti, the expense of the Italians for the fruit and vegetable purchases returned to rise and now represents 23 percent of the total budget allocated by households to food in the amount of EUR 99.5 per household per month, the first item of expenditure of Italian. An important finding as bread, pasta, fruit, vegetables, olive oil and the traditional glass of wine consumed at the table in regular meals have allowed Italians – Coldiretti – to win so far in the longevity record: the European Union ‘ Italy is in first place with 80.3 years for men and the third for women with 85.2. In Italy, the return of the Mediterranean diet is accompanied by a real breakthrough in the green cart, from biological to zero distance up to designations of origin. If purchases of packaged organic products recorded an increase of 20 records per cent of purchases were fifteen million people – according to Coldiretti – have chosen local products at zero kilometers that need not travel long distance with polluting means of transport, while regularly buy local products linked are well 2 out of three Italians according to the Doxa survey for Coop. The Mediterranean Diet Made in Italy – Coldiretti – it is but ‘also established itself abroad with increases ranging from 11% for fruits and vegetables to 10 % for olive oil by + 9% for the dough to + 6% for wine that has made the historical record with a turnover of 5.4 billion preliminary made across national borders, according to Coldiretti based on Istat data for the first 10 months of 2015. a trend – continues Coldiretti – certainly encouraged by the positive economic conditions due to the global recovery and the favorable exchange rates of major markets such as the US, but that is the confirmation that the world is hungry for Made in Italy, thanks to the success of Expo . The result – concluded Coldiretti – is that no one has ever so much for the Made in Italy food in the world where, during 2015 the historical record in exports was achieved approximately 36 billion euro (+ 7%)

Fonte  (AGI)

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It ‘s true that Extra Virgin Olive Oil is helpful in cancer therapies?


Are many different studies that have shown with empirical evidence the close correlation between diet and cancer, explaining very clearly what are the eating habits for reduce and prevent the risk of tumors.

Among the many we mention the book of Cesare Gridelli, world-renowned physician, indicated in 2013 by the Californian as Expertscape the best oncologist in the world for the treatment of lung cancer, Director of the Department of Regional Hospital onco-hematology “San Giuseppe Moscati,” Avellino and chairman of thoracic oncology Italian Association. “In the kitchen against cancer,” he explains what the correct eating habits to decrease the risk of getting cancer.

On the other hand The Foundation Umberto Veronesi, has always been committed to the defense of the Mediterranean diet as a good food habit, he has published several articles to that effect.

Of course we now know that, thanks to the many scientific studies published on the subject, extra virgin olive oil is considered the prince of seasoning a healthy diet.

Today, however, the real news is another. According to a recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Chicago on women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer, The extra virgin olive oil helps improve the effectiveness of therapies, thereby preventing the triggering of drug resistance of the organism.

The Oleic acid, of which the extra virgin olive oil is rich, in fact, it would lower by 46% the levels of the gene Her-2 / neu, a major oncogenes cause of breast cancer, at the same time stimulating the functioning of the drug “Herceptin” that targets precisely this oncogene . Studies of the American University of Chicago researchers have also found that oleic acid stimulates the activity of a gene that acts as a natural brake on the growth of the tumor, producing the p27Kip1 protein. This molecule is also important because it prevents the woman undergoing chemotherapy to become resistant all’Herceptin. Oleic acid, therefore, acts on several fronts in the women’s health protection.

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